
Nella tabella seguente è riportato lo STATO DI ATTUAZIONE dei Deliverable previsti dal progetto:

Deliverable Azione Scadenza prevista
1 E1 Monitoring Protocol - E1 30/11/2016
2 Abacus on operational context on Noise Low Emission Zone (sections devoted to noise, air, traffic, health topics) A1 A1 31/12/2016
A1.1 Legal and Environmental framework for Noise LEZ introduction A1.1 A1.1
A1.2 Operational context Noise Monitoring Systems A1.2 A1.2
A1.3 Operational context Air Quality Monitoring Systems A1.3 A1.3
A1.4 Operational Context Health Indicators A1.4 A1.4
A1.5 Operative context Interventions and expected effects on air quality, noise and health A1.5 A1.5
3 Dissemination Plan D1 31/12/2016
4 LIFE MONZA Web-site

5 B1 Design documentation, technical specification B1.1;B1.2  B1.1;B1.2 30/06/2017
6 B3 Prototype realization and installation B3 B3 30/06/2017
7 B2 Report on BOTTOM-UP actions detail design B2 B2 31/03/2018

D2 Proceedings of National Workshop in Florence (CDs and/or USB keys) - 200 copies

D2 31/12/2018
9 Radio advertisings (4 campaigns) D1 30/09/2019
10 B5 Report on Ante and Post Operam data collection B5 B5 30/09/2019
11 Proceedings of National Workshop in Monza (CDs and/or USB keys) – 500 copies D2 31/12/2019
12 3 different press releases (project inception, starting of pilot actions, end of project) - D1 31/03/2020
13 B6 Guidelines on methodologies for the implementation of "Noise Low Emission Zones" introduction and management   B6 31/03/2020
14 B6 Guidelines on methodologies for the implementation of "Noise Low Emission Zones" introduction and management - English version B6   31/03/2020
15 B6 Replicability of MONZA project results B6 B6 31/03/2020
16 1 scientific pubblications on scientific journals and conference proceedings in english language (specific topic: Noise LEZ/environmental sociology) - D2 30/06/2020
17 10 scientific publications on scientific journals and conference proceedings in italian language - D2 30/06/2020
18 12 Leaflet in Italian language - D2 30/06/2020
19 15 Noticeboards in Italian language (printed in at least in 100 copies each one) - D1 30/06/2020
20 3 scientific publications on scientific journals and conference proceedings in English language (Specific topics: Noise LEZ/ air quality) D2 30/06/2020
21 3 scientific publications on scientific journals and conference proceedings in English language (Specific topics: Noise LEZ/ public health) D2 - 30/06/2020
22 5 Noticeboards in english language (printed in at least in 30 copies each one) D1 - 30/06/2020
23 6 scientific publications on scientific journals and conference proceedings in english language (Specific topics: Noise LEZ/ noise) D2 - 30/06/2020
24 After Life Plan E2 E2 30/06/2020
25 10 ppt presentations to be presented in City Network meetings D2 30/06/2020
26 At least 4 divulgative short articles in English language D2 - 30/06/2020
27 At least 6 divulgative short articles in Italian language - D2 30/06/2020
28 Final Project Report E1 E1 30/06/2020
29 Layman’s Report D1 D1 30/06/2020
30 Proceedings of International final event in Rome (CDs and/or USB keys) – 500 copies D2 30/06/2020
31 Report on overall project impact C1 C1 30/06/2020
32 Report on socio economic impact C1 C1 30/06/2020
33 Training materials to manage smart monitoring  system and impact assessment after project’s - C1 30/06/2020
34 B4 Report on participatory activities (techniques, statistics, results) B4 B4 30/06/2019


