News Monitoring Campaign

Monitoring campaigns

The project aimed to achieve a “Project Impacts’ Monitoring Unit”, that will ensure the definition of the impacts of the project actions. 

The project includes:

  1. initial monitoring, for three months from the beginning of the project;
  2. intermediate monitoring, with temporal intervals of six months.

    Biannual reports will be structured in three sections:

  1. evaluation of the general results about expected objectives (deliverable, meetings, productions, etc.);
  2. evaluation in terms of efficiency the working method (communication, participating in partners’ meetings, using the website, transparency of administrative and financial procedures, respecting deadline, etc.);
  3. monitoring forms regarding the activities of each action. An auto-evaluation form (self-monitoring form – SMF) is periodically monitored by every beneficiary. The auto-evaluation forms will be collected by General Monitoring Unit and they will contribute to determine the indicators GO/NO-GO.
  1. final monitoring:
  1. for every completed action, an indicator GO/NO-GO will be determined based on the achievement of representative percentual, which is described in the project within Action E1.2;
  2. financial monitoring: administrative and financial control will be ensured through examination of the present documents and comparison with the reports approved by the European Commission.


General Monitoring Unit (GMU) activity will be based on the monitoring protocol that will involve all beneficiary partners in helping the coordinator partner to monitor the actions in order to guarantee the deadlines for more important technical and financial documentations.

As action's responsible, Vie Ingegneria has followed the phases to define the monitoring positions and the procedures for data acquisition. Especially, Vie interacts with UNIFI, as responsible for impacts monitoring action (C1), for sharing procedures and parameters and acquiring them through several monitorings

Sub-Action B5.1 Smart continuous monitoring by prototype system on noise and system's check – UNIFI

Low-cost acoustic sensors guarantee continuous monitoring. These sensors exhibit an asymptotic behaviour that suggests a period of stabilization before their full use.

In June 2017 the procedures of smart sensors’ check have been evaluated also in light ofreal installations.

In the pilot area of the Libertà district 10 monitoring units have been installed, in particular 2 microphones have been placed along the Viale Libertà, while the other microphones have been uniformly distributed along other roads in the pilot area. The 10 control units were installed on 19-20 June 2017 and have been continuously monitoring the noise levels since 20 June 2017. 

The data collected from 20/06/2017 to 30/06/2018 were processed for the assessment of the ante-operam scenario, while those collected from 1/07/2018 to 31/12/2019 provided the basis for the assessment of the post-operam scenario. 

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was considered interesting to also analyse the LAeq data provided by the Smart Noise Monitoring System in the January-March 2020.

The SNMS will continue to monitor noise levels for three years after the end of the project. The Municipality of Monza will guarantee a periodic maintenance service and recording activities of the collected data.

Sub-Action B5.2 Noise and Traffic ex ante /ex post monitoring Vie

Acoustic monitoring will be conducted with instruments and methods that comply with the technical standards and legislative requirements.

In the pilot area, the first monitoring was realized in May 2017. In June, the acquired data were post-processed, while the second monitoring took place in November 2017.

In the post-operam phase, two other monitoring campaigns were carried out, again in winter and in spring, in January and May 2019 respectively.



Sub-Action B5.3 - Air Quality ex ante/ex post monitoring- ISPRA.

The monitoring of air quality will be conducted in agreement with ARPA Lombardia, in such a way to allow contemporaneity with the acoustic one and the comparison with ante-operam air quality results.

According to the ESCAPE protocol, the activity for collection, calculation and construction of empirical model’s input variables’ geo-database was begun. This model will be developed after the monitoring campaigns.

After the agreement signed in April 2017, ARPA Lombardia has been proceeding to begin validation and archiving phase of data collected during the first monitoring campaign realized in May 2017. 

A total of four monitoring campaigns were carried out in the ante-operam phase on the following dates:

4 may - 22 may 2017

14 july - 31 july 2017

9 november - 30 november 2017

31 january - 19 february 2018

Four measurement campaigns also took place in the post-operam phase:

20 february  - 26 march 2019

08 may - 21 may 2019

03 july - 17 july 2019

30 october- 21 november 2019

Sub-Action B5.4 Health ex ante/ex post monitoring – UNIFI

In order to establish an active dialogue between institutions and citizens, questionnaires were administered regarding the various environmental issues, the development of a system for sharing good practices, through meetings with primary and secondary school students and activities for their involvement.

The sample survey, of a diachronic type, provided for the realization of two surveys: the first (pretest) defined the situation ex ante, the second (post-test) recorded the conditions found after the implementation of the infrastructure interventions and other measures envisaged by the project, in order to evaluate the changes that have occurred.

For the pretest phase, the submission began in the first days of February 2018, for both sections of the questionnaire, with an institutional letter of accompaniment from the Municipality, containing the indications for hand delivery to two locations and for the access to the alternative method of filling in electronically.

For the post-test phase, the same methods of administration and collection were used; these actions took place between April and June 2019.

Sub-Action B5.5 Bottom up actions: ex ante/ex post people participation - MONZA

The monitoring of bottom-up actions was carried out through the analysis of questionnaires, the involvement of the population and school students, competitions of ideas and the launch of the Pedibus service and the App Life Monza. 


