
A questionnaire has been formulated with questions taken from the standard questionnaire WHOQOL-Bref and questions concerning annoyance have been added. This questionnaire has been distributed to citizens from school students of Libertà district as part of the alternating work-school project. So far we have collected about 200 questionnaires.

To study the effects of activities carried out in the project (infrastructural, organizing and awareness actions) on the local social system, we had decided to use research methods aimed at detecting, analysing and evaluating the opinions, perceptions and attitudes of the concerned population regarding a number of aspects related to the liveability of the neighbourhood and the conditions of environmental and social well-being.

Therefore, a diachronic spot-check investigation has been designed and started. It foresees two revelations: the first (pre-test) has been realised to define the ex-ante situation, the second (post-test) aims to record the conditions after the actuation of infrastructural actions and other measurements foreseen by project so that it can evaluate the changes occurred.

Data collection has been carried out through the administration of semi-structured questionnaires to distinctly selected samples for the two time phases, which are representative of the citizens living in the "Libertà" district. The pre and post-test questionnaires have in common almost all questions to aim at a good comparison between ex-ante and ex-post situations and are divided into thematic areas concerning personal data, home, the perception of life quality in the district, air and noise pollution, health, mobility and knowledge of the LIFE MONZA project and its possible impacts on the local system.

Pre and post-test questionnaires have been sent by postal service, after filling the blanks autonomously, the interviewees have delivered them to the collection centre set up for this purpose. A second option was an online compilation, with direct access for each interviewee at questionnaire.

Regarding the sample, a random sampling stratified strategy has been carried out by typologies, age classes and spatial distribution into Libertà district.

According to the questionnaires’ outcomes (pre-test had involved overall 177 subjects, about 31% of the foreseen cases by sampling), the variety of the answers allows all comparisons and analysis in pre-test and a correlation between pre and post-test.

Indeed, all citizens considered in the samples have been involved and a certain proportionality between the different types of population has been respected, except for the citizens that live within 30 meters from Viale Libertà who responded more consistently (97% of original sample, while for those over 30 meters the coverage stops at 24% ).

Further results related to the definition of a new global environmental indicator, that takes into account noise parameters, air quality, health and social and economic aspects, has been evaluated and it will also highlight the overall benefits of the project.

The comparison between the several monitoring data in the pilot area, acquired in ante and post-operam phases have allowed the evaluation of the real impacts caused by the introduction of the Noise LEZ and the definition of the obtained benefits.

Questionnaire_ante-operam scenario (1)

Questionnaire_ post-operam scenario (1)

Results_ante operam scenario


Report - Analysis of the data collected during pre-test (ITA)

Final report- Perception of living conditions, noise and air quality in the "Libertà" district
