
A.  Preparatory actions

  • A1 – Operational context for Noise Low Emission Zones (LEZ) detection and management


B. Implementation actions

  • B1 - TOP-DOWN actions planning in the pilot area
  • B2  - BOTTOM - UP actions planning in the pilot area and public and stakeholders information and participation
  • B3 - Prototype of monitoring system for Noise LEZ design - data analysis techniques definition- UNIFI
  • B4 - Pilot area actions implementations
  • B5 - Report on Ante and Post operam data collection
  • B6 - Noise LEZ Guidelines


C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

  • C1 - Monitoring of the impact of the project actions


D. Public awareness and dissemination of results

  • D1 - Information and awareness raising activities regarding the project to the general public and stakeholders
  • D2 - Technical dissemination activities to stakeholders could usefully benefit from project’s experience


E. Project management

  • E1 - Coordination, Monitoring and Project Management
  • E2 - Afetr-LIFE Plan



